PopMM - 07/06/24 00:03

[00:03] Lovenji_OP out
[00:12] yaro388 out
[00:12] yaro388 in
[00:15] [GoD]Rbwilson in
[00:16] yaro388 out
[00:18] Evan13 out
[00:24] Shimaga> innnit
[00:24] Shakur> INNNNNNNIIIIT
[00:25] [AvA]Soma- out
[00:25] Evan13 in
[00:25] Shakur out
[00:27] Bignoobmanfr> neither can beat me 1v1 tho so
[00:27] Bignoobmanfr> InIIIIT
[00:29] Evan13 out
[00:32] Shimaga> that was so nice when u surendered
[00:32] Shimaga> innit
[00:33] Shimaga> those warriors smashing those poor villagers
[00:33] Shimaga> :(
[00:34] Shimaga out
[00:45] [AsG]Godzilla out
[00:55] [SW]Thiago out
[00:57] [GoD]FreeInca out
[01:03] adray_tsi out
[01:15] Zpektrix_TAS out
[01:18] [Rw]Ninety out
[01:31] adray_tsi in
[01:38] Bignoobmanfr out
[01:43] [Rw]Raver out
[01:53] Maganha_OP in
[01:53] Maganha_OP out
[02:19] Bignoobmanfr in
[02:52] Bignoobmanfr out
[03:44] ExLordDeath in
[03:54] LoryMyto in
[03:55] LoryMyto> i am new
[03:55] LoryMyto> sorry i didnt see
[03:55] LoryMyto> lets play?
[03:55] ExLordDeath> np
[03:56] ExLordDeath> let me relog
[03:56] ExLordDeath out
[03:57] ExLordDeath in
[03:57] ExLordDeath> hm i cant launch the game with you it seems
[03:57] LoryMyto> why?
[03:57] ExLordDeath> idk yet
[03:57] ExLordDeath> gimme a minute
[03:58] LoryMyto> i'll try relog
[03:58] LoryMyto out
[03:58] LoryMyto in
[04:13] adray_tsi out
[04:17] adray_tsi in
[04:21] LoryMyto> was a good game lol
[04:21] LoryMyto> thanks, until the next
[04:22] LoryMyto out
[04:30] ExLordDeath> np gg
[05:24] adray_tsi out
[05:24] Bignoobmanfr in
[05:34] Luxray out
[05:40] Bignoobmanfr out
[06:33] Zarza in
[06:33] sclowe1029 in
[06:35] Yumagati in
[06:39] Yumagati out
[06:43] ExLordDeath out
[07:22] [GoD]Rbwilson out
[08:27] [AvA]noobITA out
[08:27] [AvA]noobITA in
[08:27] [AvA]noobITA out
[08:38] Zarza out
[08:52] [AvA]noobITA in
[08:52] [AvA]noobITA out
[09:08] jammy in
[09:33] ExLordDeath in
[09:33] ExLordDeath out
[09:39] sclowe1029 out
[09:58] Incy in
[10:10] Incy out
[10:37] [AvA]noobITA in
[10:59] [AvA]noobITA out
[10:59] [AvA]noobITA in
[11:00] Lamagliasudatasempre in
[11:03] [AvA]noobITA> +someone blast war
[11:04] [AvA]noobITA> hi cisco
[11:13] Cerveza_Cristal in
[11:14] Lamagliasudatasempre> nhey
[11:15] Lamagliasudatasempre> zulu
[11:15] Lamagliasudatasempre> vani
[11:17] jammy out
[11:18] jammy in
[11:18] [AvA]noobITA out
[11:27] Meph> Albert
[11:27] Meph> Heute
[11:32] power> any games?
[11:53] ExLordDeath in
[11:53] ExLordDeath out
[11:57] Power in
[12:21] [GoD]spinnifix> Ja
[12:21] [GoD]spinnifix> Meph
[12:21] [GoD]spinnifix> Bis 23 Uhr ungefýýhr nur
[12:21] Power> crashed
[12:23] Haftbefehl_OP> Na was denn
[12:28] Power> ggs
[12:28] jammy> gg
[12:38] Alexd2309 in
[12:40] RubRub in
[12:47] RubRub out
[13:19] Cerveza_Cristal out
[13:19] Ricardo1XD in
[13:19] RubRub in
[13:20] Ricardo1XD out
[13:20] Ricardo1XD in
[13:24] Lovenji_OP in
[13:29] Ricardo1XD out
[13:38] Ricardo1XD in
[13:53] [AvA]noobITA in
[13:54] [AvA]noobITA> sup power
[13:54] [AvA]noobITA> wanna blast?
[13:55] Alexd2309 out
[13:57] [AvA]noobITA> yo ice-t
[13:59] Only101_TSI> hey
[14:00] Alexd2309 in
[14:01] Alexd2309 out
[14:04] Power> was afk
[14:04] Power> leaning on bed
[14:04] Power> lets play
[14:04] Power> maybe some blasts ?
[14:05] Only101_TSI> blasts is boring
[14:05] Power> ok 2v1 ?
[14:05] Power> 1v1v1?
[14:09] jammy out
[14:09] jammy in
[14:10] Power out
[14:10] Power in
[14:16] Lamagliasudatasempre> I love these saucy farts after you're done eating big stuff
[14:16] Lamagliasudatasempre> they smell the best
[14:16] Lamagliasudatasempre> <3
[14:19] Tanatos in
[14:19] Plust in
[14:22] Alexd2309 in
[14:32] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[14:32] Meph in
[14:32] Zpektrix_TAS in
[14:33] Zpektrix_TAS out
[14:33] Zpektrix_TAS in
[14:41] Ricardo1XD out
[14:41] RubRub out
[14:47] [AvA]noobITA> blast war toruk?
[14:48] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> if you want
[14:49] [AvA]Soma- in
[14:51] [AvA]noobITA> omg
[14:51] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> lagged out
[14:52] [AvA]noobITA> ciao somaa
[14:52] [AvA]Soma-> wee
[14:52] [AvA]noobITA> tutto bene
[14:52] [AvA]noobITA> no 4gay
[14:52] [AvA]noobITA> xd
[14:52] [AvA]Soma-> tutt appooooo
[14:52] [AvA]Soma-> che mappa? no pp
[14:52] [AvA]noobITA> la odio
[14:53] [AvA]noobITA> mmm
[14:53] [AvA]noobITA> bo a fantasia
[14:53] [AvA]Soma-> toruk map?
[14:53] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> 4way ok
[14:53] [AvA]noobITA> ok dai
[14:53] [AvA]Soma-> OK
[14:53] [AvA]noobITA> meph join
[14:58] [AvA]noobITA> soma tu hai ig?
[14:59] [AvA]Soma-> ye
[14:59] [AvA]Soma-> tu?
[14:59] [AvA]noobITA> si
[14:59] [AvA]noobITA> dai followiamoci ahahah
[14:59] [AvA]Soma-> ahahah io seguo già toruk pure
[14:59] [AvA]noobITA> oh
[14:59] [AvA]Soma-> anche se non condivide niente
[14:59] [AvA]noobITA> anchio
[15:00] [AvA]noobITA> non ho molte condivisioni
[15:07] Power> gg wp
[15:07] jammy> gg, last game with u man
[15:07] jammy> atleast 1v1
[15:07] Power> lol
[15:07] Power> why
[15:08] jammy> told u to not go easy
[15:08] jammy> but u prefered toying
[15:08] Power> man
[15:08] Power> i didnt go easy
[15:08] Power> you camping
[15:08] Power> what i can do
[15:08] Power> i am bad at lights
[15:08] Power> i paly like that for veryone
[15:08] jammy> i may not be shaman, but can sense well when ones trying their best, and when they're easy going
[15:08] Power> its not toying but trying to get new ways to get in
[15:08] jammy> u could easily get in
[15:09] Power> u were lighting me
[15:09] jammy> if u put your full
[15:09] Power> i dont toy with people
[15:09] Power> if felt like that
[15:09] Power> sorry about it
[15:09] jammy> maybe not toy, but werent your best either
[15:09] Power> man
[15:09] Power> with that ping
[15:09] Power> i can be that good
[15:09] Power> hard to make sharp moves
[15:10] jammy> u were casting and taking your shaman all way back to your base
[15:10] jammy> why was that lol
[15:10] Power> so you dont light and come to attack ?
[15:10] jammy> come on
[15:10] Power> trying to be alive
[15:10] Power> man
[15:10] Power> obviously you dont know my shamna skill?
[15:10] jammy> u are exaggerating now
[15:11] Power> i genereally put it front
[15:11] Power> and they light it
[15:11] Power> or it dies to a ghost
[15:11] Power> cause of ping
[15:11] Power> i played secure
[15:11] jammy> well be it, idm losing, given the opponent is doing their best against me
[15:11] Power> MAN
[15:11] Power> why would i toy ?
[15:11] jammy> maybe not toying, but not best either
[15:13] Power> i gtg now
[15:13] Power> will expalin later
[15:13] Power> but sorry if felt like that
[15:13] Power> wasnt intention
[15:13] Power out
[15:14] jammy out
[15:14] jammy in
[15:21] [GoD]spinnifix> Game ?
[15:25] Only101_TSI> maybe
[15:26] power> no
[15:28] [D]Nightfury in
[15:33] Dougs in
[15:35] [AvA]noobITA> WOW
[15:35] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> hi Dougs
[15:35] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> thanks fir the carry, Meph
[15:35] [AvA]noobITA> u did good with troops toruk
[15:35] [AvA]Soma-> come 6p
[15:36] Dougs> Sup Toruk
[15:36] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> thanks Mix
[15:36] [AvA]Soma-> +1
[15:36] [AvA]Soma-> ok
[15:36] [AvA]Soma-> +0
[15:36] Dougs> lol
[15:36] Cyborg> not sess
[15:36] Cyborg> only other maps
[15:36] [AvA]Soma-> walls?
[15:36] Dougs> damn what is up with my ping :')
[15:36] [AvA]noobITA> pp^^
[15:36] Cyborg> pp
[15:36] [AvA]Soma-> no pp here
[15:36] [AvA]Soma-> any other
[15:36] Cyborg> 4 way?
[15:36] Cyborg> 6 gay
[15:36] [AvA]Soma-> we just played it
[15:36] [AvA]noobITA> im out for way
[15:36] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Charge!
[15:36] Cyborg> or walls
[15:37] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> or Dust to Rust
[15:37] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> or Prison Break
[15:37] [AvA]noobITA> im going do a nap
[15:37] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> or Mintome
[15:37] [AvA]Soma-> prison break is good
[15:37] Cyborg> no
[15:37] Cyborg> you stay
[15:37] [AvA]Soma-> no shaman map
[15:37] Cyborg> lol
[15:37] Cyborg> ;D
[15:37] [AvA]noobITA> bye
[15:37] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> enjoy your nap Mix
[15:37] [AvA]noobITA out
[15:37] [AvA]Soma-> we should have done walls :pepesad:
[15:37] Cyborg> its just an excuse
[15:38] Cyborg> he doesnt risk losing points
[15:38] Cyborg> :ohhat:
[15:38] Dougs> do 2v2
[15:38] Cyborg> im up for 2v2 mana battle
[15:38] Cyborg> ok dough
[15:38] Cyborg> dougs
[15:38] Cyborg> im 1000 elo on aoe2 in leagues for first time
[15:39] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Ossur, nobody cares
[15:39] Cyborg> no sess
[15:39] Cyborg> pls
[15:39] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> this is populous, not aoe2
[15:39] Cyborg> but nobody is ?
[15:39] Cyborg> who is nobody?
[15:39] [AvA]Soma-> here only aod not aoe
[15:39] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> lol
[15:39] Cyborg> help me lose my rank
[15:40] Cyborg> i will be wars
[15:40] Cyborg> after
[15:40] [AvA]Soma-> sec
[15:40] [AvA]Soma- out
[15:40] Cyborg> no
[15:40] jammy> take points from me ossur
[15:40] [AvA]Soma- in
[15:40] Cyborg> yes
[15:40] Cyborg> bigbang
[15:40] jammy> i am not bigbang
[15:41] Cyborg> hmm who are you thenÐ
[15:41] Cyborg> ?
[15:41] jammy> what rank was bigbang?
[15:41] Cyborg> fw
[15:46] Dougs> lol
[15:46] Cyborg> what happened?
[15:46] Cyborg> my heads confused
[15:46] Dougs> looks like the rotation was wrong
[15:46] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> your head is always confused, Ossur
[15:46] [AvA]Soma-> toruk boruk mate ally
[15:46] Cyborg> yeah but
[15:46] Cyborg> this time i had no idea what was going on in my head
[15:46] [D]Nightfury in
[15:47] Cyborg> crashed
[15:48] Cyborg> soma?
[15:48] Cyborg> are you soma or ?
[15:48] Cyborg> im confused
[15:48] Cyborg> and where is bigbang
[15:51] [D]Nightfury out
[15:55] RessurectioN_TAS in
[15:57] [GoD]spinnifix in
[16:29] [GoD]spinnifix out
[16:30] Dougs out
[16:30] [GoD]spinnifix> Game ?
[16:34] [GoD]spinnifix in
[16:49] jammy> gg
[16:49] Cyborg> gg
[16:49] Cyborg> jammy you did good but it was a 2v1 against you
[16:50] Cyborg> and soma is a pro
[16:50] Bignoobmanfr in
[16:50] Cyborg> dont feel bad of losing ;D
[16:50] jammy> idk what trigger Soma-, but all i was saying was, my mouse was having misclicks else soma was easy to get in and finish
[16:50] [AvA]Soma-> gg
[16:50] Cyborg out
[16:50] [AvA]Soma-> nothing triggered me
[16:50] Cyborg in
[16:50] [AvA]Soma-> i said only , was gg take the loss without excuses
[16:50] [AvA]Soma-> gg
[16:50] Cyborg> i told ya toruk
[16:50] Cyborg> im war again
[16:51] jammy> where's the excuse?
[16:51] [AvA]Soma-> i could say also if i was a tiger i will bite toruk
[16:51] jammy> i know my best, and just stated i wasnt able to play my best
[16:51] jammy> where's excuse in that
[16:52] RessurectioN_TAS out
[16:52] Meph> yo jammy
[16:52] Meph> 1v1?
[16:52] jammy> sure
[16:52] RessurectioN_TAS in
[16:52] Meph> host it
[16:52] jammy> if u gonna be your best
[16:52] Cyborg> stream it
[16:52] Cyborg> jammy we count on you
[16:52] jammy> and not toy around
[16:52] Meph> i will stomp you
[16:52] Meph> dont worry
[16:52] jammy> lel he gonna beat me
[16:52] Bignoobmanfr> a deathmatch
[16:53] jammy> in 15 minutes?
[16:53] jammy> Meph?
[16:53] Meph> we will see
[16:53] jammy> k
[16:53] Meph> depending on how lucky you get with s-clicks
[16:53] Meph> host it
[16:53] jammy> [21:23] jammy> in 15 minutes?
[16:53] Meph> oh
[16:54] Meph> might have a different game before then
[16:54] jammy> sure
[16:54] jammy> maybe its just rust thats causing misclicks
[16:54] Meph> are you related to shogun?
[16:55] [Rw]FreeMatt in
[16:55] jammy> yeah, i was with his mom, i went to buy milk one day and never came back
[16:55] Meph> that explains why i get the same excuses-before-game-even-started-vibes
[16:55] Meph> plus you two share the same mom jokes
[16:55] Meph> amazing
[16:56] jammy> yeah learnt behaviour
[16:56] jammy> glad he's like his dad
[16:56] Meph> you must be so proud
[16:56] jammy> not much
[16:57] [Rw]FreeMatt> u guys jsut like sitting in lobby?
[16:57] T-Rod in
[16:57] [Rw]FreeMatt> why dont u do unranked if ur worried baotu how many points u'll lose vs me
[16:58] T-Rod> wow fws restricted
[16:58] T-Rod> ;(
[16:58] Cyborg> jammy is bigbang
[16:58] SepulturaMb in
[16:58] Cyborg> lol meph i think he blocked you
[16:58] Cyborg> :(
[16:59] Meph> ?
[17:00] RessurectioN_TAS out
[17:00] jammy> Meph
[17:00] jammy> in 15 minutes
[17:00] RessurectioN_TAS in
[17:10] dragona60 in
[17:11] dragona60 out
[17:11] MrSmokin_hottie26> sum1 pm spin bro
[17:11] dragona60 in
[17:11] dragona60 out
[17:12] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[17:12] [Rw]FreeMatt in
[17:13] [GoD]spinnifix> .
[17:13] jammy> join Meph
[17:14] T-Rod> fuck i just missed it
[17:14] kopulus in
[17:14] axon in
[17:15] T-Rod> meph left us
[17:15] T-Rod> like we werent anything to him
[17:15] T-Rod> :mallcop:
[17:16] Bignoobmanfr out
[17:18] axon out
[17:18] axon in
[17:18] SepulturaMb out
[17:19] T-Rod> ok
[17:19] T-Rod> sec making coffee it´ll be ready like in 1 min
[17:19] T-Rod> T-Rod + RessurectioN_TAS + MrSmokin_hottie26 + Only101_TSI vs. [GoD]spinnifix + [Rw]FreeMatt + [D]Nightfury + kopulus
[17:19] T-Rod> best ok?
[17:20] [GoD]spinnifix> ye
[17:20] [GoD]spinnifix> me n hw front
[17:20] [GoD]spinnifix> delax center
[17:20] [GoD]spinnifix> and weed very back
[17:20] T-Rod> hw too op front maybe put him back
[17:20] T-Rod> :nice:
[17:20] T-Rod> w33d?
[17:20] christo0972 in
[17:20] T-Rod> is kopulos w33d
[17:21] Alexd2309 out
[17:22] Only101_TSI> trod join discord
[17:22] [GoD]spinnifix> its what i say
[17:22] [GoD]spinnifix> :D
[17:22] T-Rod> is that what u truely desire
[17:22] [GoD]spinnifix> yes
[17:23] [GoD]spinnifix> delax
[17:24] [GoD]spinnifix> join back
[17:24] T-Rod> omg people leaving
[17:24] [GoD]spinnifix> i think he doesnt like teams
[17:25] RessurectioN_TAS> you guys go play 6p
[17:25] RessurectioN_TAS> got something to do
[17:25] T-Rod> who is kopulous
[17:27] kopulus> I GUESS he is alphaenemy or deltaenemy
[17:29] guitaryente in
[17:31] Meph> gg easy
[17:31] jammy> gg
[17:33] T-Rod> who won meph
[17:33] Meph> me
[17:33] Meph> got lucky
[17:33] T-Rod> dayumn
[17:33] T-Rod> map?
[17:33] [GoD]spinnifix> T-Rod + [GoD]spinnifix + Only101_TSI + [Rw]FreeMatt vs. MrSmokin_hottie26 + [D]Nightfury + Meph + kopulus
[17:33] Meph> wom
[17:34] T-Rod> spoion want walls
[17:34] [GoD]spinnifix> ok wom
[17:34] jammy> gave meph some easy game
[17:34] Meph> true
[17:34] Meph> cause you are pretty bad :(
[17:35] [GoD]spinnifix> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_spinni
[17:35] T-Rod> aww spin back streaming
[17:35] jammy> had to play bad, to see u win
[17:35] T-Rod> someone didnt lauynch
[17:35] T-Rod> its ice
[17:36] jammy> join Soma-
[17:36] axon> everyone that havent already, please go buy the game from steam in order to support and increase the popularity
[17:36] [Rw]FreeMatt> can we at least do tom?
[17:36] [Rw]FreeMatt> this is booty map
[17:36] T-Rod> lets do this since meph asked
[17:36] T-Rod> first
[17:37] T-Rod> ice says hes updating
[17:38] T-Rod> ice just relog
[17:38] T-Rod> and all resolved
[17:39] Only101_TSI out
[17:39] [AvA]Soma- out
[17:39] Only101_TSI in
[17:40] jammy> jammy + guitaryente vs. [AvA]Toruk_Makto + axon
[17:41] jammy> map?
[17:41] guitaryente> sess
[17:41] guitaryente> ineed fast game rn
[17:41] guitaryente> ineed gtg in 30mins
[17:41] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> what if the game lasts longer than 30 minutes?
[17:41] Mammy_Tas in
[17:42] Mammy_Tas> :heyguyz: :tree1:
[17:44] jammy> Toruk_Makto, guitaryente
[17:44] jammy> join
[17:45] jammy> jammy + guitaryente vs. christo0972 + [AvA]Toruk_Makto
[17:45] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Hi Mammy
[17:46] merciless1 in
[17:54] Mammy_Tas> Hello :)
[18:05] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[18:08] christo0972 out
[18:09] guitaryente in
[18:10] guitaryente> I want suicide
[18:10] guitaryente out
[18:10] guitaryente> Damn, my fucking internet
[18:12] T-Rod> gg wp
[18:13] [GoD]spinnifix> bigger map now
[18:13] T-Rod> ok
[18:15] T-Rod> +1
[18:15] T-Rod> insta gg
[18:15] T-Rod> T-Rod + [Rw]FreeMatt + Mammy_Tas + MrSmokin_hottie26 vs. [GoD]spinnifix + kopulus + jammy + Only101_TSI
[18:15] axon out
[18:16] jammy> relogging
[18:16] jammy out
[18:16] jammy in
[18:20] [GoD]spinnifix> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_spinni
[18:24] Plust out
[18:24] Tanatos out
[18:24] guitaryente in
[18:24] Mowgli in
[18:25] Mowgli> populous, el comienzo.
[18:25] guitaryente out
[18:43] [AvA]JJaydenn in
[18:47] [Rw]FreeMatt> gg
[18:47] MrSmokin_hottie26> god dam hw sucks
[18:47] jammy> gg
[18:47] [Rw]FreeMatt> another?
[18:49] Lamagliasudatasempre out
[18:50] Cyborg> hi jammy im eating
[18:50] Mammy_Tas> gg
[18:50] Cyborg> yeah
[18:50] [GoD]spinnifix> T-Rod + [Rw]FreeMatt + [GoD]spinnifix + Only101_TSI vs. [AvA]JJaydenn + [D]Nightfury + Mammy_Tas + MrSmokin_hottie26
[18:50] T-Rod> hi
[18:50] [GoD]spinnifix> ice n me big
[18:50] [GoD]spinnifix> hw behind ice
[18:51] T-Rod> ?
[18:51] [GoD]spinnifix> he wants
[18:51] T-Rod> im being big
[18:51] [GoD]spinnifix> oh
[18:51] [GoD]spinnifix> ok
[18:51] [GoD]spinnifix> then ice behind me
[18:51] T-Rod> ok
[18:51] [GoD]spinnifix> nvm ice behind u
[18:51] [GoD]spinnifix> he said
[18:51] T-Rod> as u wish
[18:52] Only101_TSI> trod gonna show us how blue is played
[18:52] T-Rod> whos bigs enemy team
[18:52] T-Rod> jjayden and kpa?
[18:52] [AvA]JJaydenn> yoo
[18:53] [AvA]JJaydenn> fk i gotta ally delax man
[18:53] [AvA]JJaydenn> ye funny guy swapping me to yell and delax my small base
[18:53] [AvA]JJaydenn> suck a cock lmao
[18:53] T-Rod> u want green?
[18:54] T-Rod> is that what ur saying
[18:54] [AvA]JJaydenn> no shit and dont make delax my small base
[18:54] T-Rod> oh ok
[18:54] T-Rod> so u guys dont have synergy or what?
[18:54] Only101_TSI> trod will do as you ask
[18:54] Only101_TSI> I assure you
[18:54] T-Rod> jjayden go green
[18:54] merciless1> jump form a bridge trod
[18:54] merciless1> :monkamega:
[18:54] [GoD]spinnifix> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_spinni
[18:54] Mammy_Tas> :no:
[18:54] [GoD]spinnifix> diego
[18:54] [GoD]spinnifix> watch
[18:55] merciless1> Only101_TSI> trod will do as you ask
[18:55] merciless1> Only101_TSI> I assure you
[18:55] T-Rod> only one jumping here ir ur muma on me shogun
[18:55] T-Rod> :nice:
[18:55] T-Rod> is
[18:55] [AvA]JJaydenn> dude stfu n rotate
[18:55] T-Rod> what base u want
[18:55] Melolo in
[18:56] merciless1> urs doesnt just jump she also do backflip n land n my ock like a pro :nice:
[18:56] merciless1> land on my cock like a pro*
[18:56] Melolo out
[18:56] T-Rod> jjayden?
[18:56] merciless1> ye on jajy's too
[18:56] merciless1> tell um jjay
[18:56] T-Rod> aaah
[18:56] [GoD]spinnifix> why arent u joining
[18:57] [GoD]spinnifix> ??
[18:57] T-Rod> i can do any spots
[18:57] merciless1> hw too op
[18:57] T-Rod> jjayden u host
[18:57] [GoD]umadbroo in
[18:58] T-Rod> shogun u playing mate
[18:58] Mammy_Tas> hi Umadbroo :)
[18:58] [GoD]umadbroo> hey ;)
[18:58] Melolo in
[18:58] merciless1> butarentyou maadbrooouh >:(
[18:58] [GoD]umadbroo> damn not sure about that
[18:58] [GoD]umadbroo> :o
[18:59] Mammy_Tas> umadbro shogun for him not beeing mad bro ;) ?
[18:59] merciless1> very
[19:00] merciless1> :pepemad:
[19:00] Mammy_Tas> lmao
[19:01] merciless1> how many games lost today koopa
[19:01] merciless1> heard u lose em all why do u suk so bad brah :pepecry:
[19:01] T-Rod> shogun join u
[19:02] T-Rod> i let u ally hw
[19:02] T-Rod> :nice:
[19:02] merciless1> what say u :nice:
[19:02] T-Rod> spin let players in
[19:02] [GoD]spinnifix> +1
[19:02] T-Rod> [AvA]JJaydenn> cant get in
[19:02] [GoD]spinnifix> ?
[19:03] merciless1> pranked
[19:03] [GoD]spinnifix> :nice:
[19:03] sclowe1029 in
[19:03] T-Rod> cant see any of em memees
[19:03] T-Rod> fkingannoying
[19:03] merciless1> aaaahhh
[19:03] merciless1> if u say so
[19:03] T-Rod> is that what u truely desire
[19:03] merciless1> must be ur momma's pussy in thong
[19:06] T-Rod> wow noone joinin
[19:06] Mowgli out
[19:07] merciless1> [GoD]spinnifix + merciless1 + [D]Nightfury + [Rw]FreeMatt vs. T-Rod + Mammy_Tas + Only101_TSI + MrSmokin_hottie26
[19:07] merciless1> big hw :wow:
[19:08] Svarog in
[19:08] Ricardo1XD in
[19:08] RubRub in
[19:08] merciless1> RubRub in
[19:08] merciless1> :monkahmm: ..
[19:09] [GoD]umadbroo out
[19:09] [GoD]spinnifix> let shogun
[19:09] [GoD]spinnifix> he likes it
[19:10] merciless1> ye i like to rub it up ur mom's big ass
[19:10] merciless1> :hypers:8::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::D
[19:11] [GoD]spinnifix> lmao
[19:11] T-Rod> spin can u get 8th
[19:12] [GoD]spinnifix> yes
[19:12] T-Rod> pm mentix man
[19:12] Meph> will join in 15 mins
[19:12] [GoD]spinnifix> k
[19:13] merciless1> will join in 14 min 59 secs
[19:13] merciless1> :smirk:
[19:15] T-Rod> nobody cares abt u shogun
[19:15] T-Rod> :nice:
[19:15] [GoD]spinnifix> ppl cant deny that
[19:16] [GoD]spinnifix> w him rage payback!
[19:16] T-Rod> even if u joined we´d prolly kick u
[19:16] T-Rod> :topkek:
[19:17] O-Ren_TSI in
[19:17] kopulus> sure jammy
[19:19] kopulus out
[19:19] [AvA]Soma- in
[19:21] T-Rod> soma
[19:21] T-Rod> join
[19:21] T-Rod> nvm bbl
[19:21] [Rw]FreeMatt> 3v3
[19:21] [Rw]FreeMatt> gogogog
[19:22] [Rw]FreeMatt> ............
[19:23] [Rw]FreeMatt> poop
[19:24] T-Rod> ok
[19:24] [GoD]spinnifix> [GoD]spinnifix + T-Rod + Mammy_Tas + MrSmokin_hottie26 vs. Meph + [D]Nightfury + Only101_TSI + [Rw]FreeMatt
[19:25] T-Rod> fine gogogo
[19:25] Dougs in
[19:25] T-Rod> lemmi be big
[19:25] Meph> me small
[19:25] T-Rod> u host it spin
[19:25] T-Rod> or i can too
[19:25] T-Rod> if u want
[19:25] T-Rod> but meph lags less
[19:25] T-Rod> with mine
[19:25] Dougs out
[19:25] T-Rod> i mean urs
[19:25] jammy> [23:47] kopulus> sure jammy
[19:25] jammy> ?
[19:26] merciless1> ur akways small meph
[19:26] T-Rod> meph whos bigs
[19:26] T-Rod> ur team
[19:26] merciless1> small lil penis
[19:26] T-Rod> ice and delax?
[19:26] [GoD]spinnifix> ye obv
[19:27] T-Rod> spoits ok?
[19:27] Meph> dayumn sho
[19:27] [GoD]spinnifix> k go
[19:27] Meph> jammy he said he is your father
[19:27] Meph> after filling up your mom to the brink he left for milk and never came back
[19:27] jammy> shut up Meph, go help your mom in kitchen
[19:27] merciless1> lmfao^
[19:28] merciless1> go to kitchen meph u dam woman
[19:28] merciless1> ur penis so small u cant even be considered a man
[19:28] merciless1> :peepopoint:
[19:29] Meph> how you know? you been spying on me
[19:29] Meph> creepy
[19:29] merciless1> ur mom told me last night
[19:29] merciless1> OWNED! :pepeohyes:
[19:30] Meph> yeah you got no game. owned :p
[19:31] [GoD]spinnifix> hw
[19:31] T-Rod> what happened
[19:31] [Rw]FreeMatt> was finihsing poo
[19:31] [Rw]FreeMatt> [Rw]FreeMatt> poop
[19:32] guitaryente out
[19:32] T-Rod> ok
[19:32] T-Rod> if u say so
[19:32] [GoD]spinnifix> lool
[19:32] [GoD]spinnifix> man
[19:32] T-Rod> wher is ice spin
[19:32] T-Rod> maybe we can 3 v 3 then
[19:32] T-Rod> if we get +1
[19:33] [Rw]FreeMatt> gogogo
[19:33] [Rw]FreeMatt> koopas team will lose
[19:33] T-Rod> full random?
[19:33] T-Rod> T-Rod + Meph + [Rw]FreeMatt vs. Mammy_Tas + [GoD]spinnifix + MrSmokin_hottie26
[19:33] T-Rod> opr best
[19:33] [GoD]spinnifix> can go best
[19:33] [GoD]spinnifix> walls
[19:33] T-Rod> ok
[19:33] [GoD]spinnifix> koopa center
[19:33] T-Rod> dfone
[19:34] sclowe1029 out
[19:34] Melolo in
[19:34] [GoD]spinnifix> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_spinni
[19:35] merciless1 out
[19:35] merciless1 in
[19:38] Melolo out
[19:38] [Rw]Ninety in
[19:53] RessurectioN_TAS out
[19:58] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[19:58] merciless1> jesus trod u fkin blow
[19:59] merciless1> why the fk would u waste ur spells n evne volc an empty base
[19:59] Mammy_Tas> gg
[19:59] merciless1> u could of took that chance to follow koopa's pop n use all spells on spin's base + kill all of koopa's pop
[19:59] merciless1> god that was fkin painful to watch no wonder u aint shaman anymore
[19:59] Meph> why charge volc bro?
[20:00] Mammy_Tas> I got lucky that I used 1 light to kill blue he used like 7 lights and coudnt kill me
[20:00] [GoD]spinnifix> go 3v3
[20:00] T-Rod> haha ye mammy
[20:00] T-Rod> was nice
[20:00] Mammy_Tas> tnx :)
[20:01] T-Rod> ur dodge skills nice
[20:01] Mammy_Tas> dodge a light plz :>
[20:01] merciless1> rod wtf u have to say
[20:01] merciless1> cos ur perfomance was beyond terrible
[20:02] merciless1> i even wanna punch u on the face for throwing a game like that
[20:02] merciless1> worst decision maker in pop history
[20:02] Meph> why so toxic?
[20:02] merciless1> dragging ur team to a loss when u cud've won it easily, spin wasnt even in his base
[20:02] merciless1> cos that was 2painful to watch :notlikethis:
[20:02] [GoD]spinnifix> this guy
[20:02] [GoD]spinnifix> lmfao
[20:02] [GoD]spinnifix> he wont stop talking
[20:03] Mammy_Tas> did someone stream thar game?
[20:03] Mammy_Tas> :o?
[20:03] [GoD]spinnifix> yes
[20:03] Meph> if you want to criticize atleast cut the negativity
[20:03] T-Rod> i think spin did
[20:03] [GoD]spinnifix> on twitch
[20:03] MrSmokin_hottie26> chargin my mouse
[20:03] merciless1> ye did some1 immortalize rod's terrible gameplay ?
[20:03] MrSmokin_hottie26> or id join
[20:03] ExLordDeath in
[20:03] merciless1> big spinondicks
[20:04] [GoD]spinnifix> delax
[20:04] [GoD]spinnifix> join
[20:05] T-Rod> spin what map u doing
[20:05] [GoD]spinnifix> any u guys want
[20:06] T-Rod> u sound like me
[20:06] [GoD]spinnifix> oh
[20:06] [GoD]spinnifix> is that so
[20:06] T-Rod> if u say so
[20:06] [GoD]spinnifix> loool
[20:06] [GoD]spinnifix> riley
[20:06] [GoD]spinnifix> join
[20:06] ExLordDeath> hm
[20:06] merciless1> rod why are u speechless :nice:
[20:07] ExLordDeath> 6p bad
[20:07] merciless1> tell us wut happened last game
[20:07] ExLordDeath> its always pp
[20:07] Meph> sho you are such a disgusting accumulation of meat
[20:07] Meph> it's ridiculous
[20:07] [GoD]spinnifix> [21:03] Meph> if you want to criticize atleast cut the negativity
[20:07] [GoD]spinnifix> can u stay objective
[20:07] merciless1> am i talkin to u
[20:07] merciless1> stfu nerds no1 cares
[20:07] Meph> doesn't matter
[20:07] merciless1> :fU:
[20:07] Meph> you are fucking terrible
[20:07] [GoD]spinnifix> [GoD]spinnifix + Mammy_Tas + T-Rod vs. Meph + merciless1 + ExLordDeath
[20:07] merciless1> rod why u so quiet :wow:_
[20:07] T-Rod> maybe do sess or something nice
[20:07] Meph> you missed your last appointment?
[20:07] Meph> out of meds?
[20:07] T-Rod> how abt that
[20:08] T-Rod> cross fields
[20:08] [GoD]spinnifix> ok
[20:08] T-Rod> its great 3 v3
[20:08] T-Rod> put shogun and riley back bases
[20:08] merciless1> think he blocked me for his own mistakes :lmao:Ñ
[20:08] [GoD]spinnifix> lets ask meph
[20:08] Meph> dude
[20:08] Meph> bad game
[20:08] ExLordDeath> why
[20:08] merciless1> ye i aint doin those teams
[20:08] T-Rod> yaa gg then
[20:08] merciless1> outside pp meph is spy level
[20:09] merciless1> at least he warrior level a tpp
[20:09] [GoD]spinnifix> shogun we think u gotta shut up
[20:09] [GoD]spinnifix> lol
[20:09] merciless1> and i dont care
[20:09] Meph> maybe swap me and spin then
[20:09] Mammy_Tas> indeed :o
[20:09] merciless1> tf :what:
[20:09] Mammy_Tas> you talk a bit much
[20:09] Meph> LOL
[20:09] merciless1> well this is a public cha tisnt it
[20:09] [GoD]spinnifix> ok
[20:09] Meph> imagine mammy telling someone to shut up
[20:09] merciless1> tf
[20:09] [GoD]spinnifix> swapping me n meph
[20:09] [GoD]spinnifix> me riley and shogun
[20:09] T-Rod> ok
[20:09] T-Rod> go
[20:09] Mammy_Tas> we got it. T rod played bad. It happens to us all once in a while. dont make it to big deal out of it :O
[20:09] merciless1> i dont think
[20:09] MrSmokin_hottie26> i veto ur motion n vote diego to not change :pepelove:
[20:09] merciless1> this is balanced
[20:09] merciless1> with riley
[20:09] T-Rod> i didnt play bad wtf
[20:09] T-Rod> ur forgetting hw
[20:09] Haftbefehl_OP> Ihr Stinker
[20:09] T-Rod> :lul:
[20:10] Mammy_Tas> I guess so :kekw:
[20:10] MrSmokin_hottie26> u didnt play gud against me, n we leave it at that
[20:10] MrSmokin_hottie26> ;)
[20:10] [GoD]spinnifix> if its balanced
[20:10] [GoD]spinnifix> why leave
[20:10] [GoD]spinnifix> lmao
[20:10] MrSmokin_hottie26> yo diego get bak in nerd
[20:10] merciless1> well one thing is playing bad mammy, but trod just played fkin terrible
[20:10] MrSmokin_hottie26> time to bak up them words
[20:10] merciless1> his chance was a fkin gold chance to win
[20:10] MrSmokin_hottie26> thru cliks n claks
[20:10] merciless1> n guy threw it
[20:10] MrSmokin_hottie26> :pepenerd:
[20:10] T-Rod> only if shogun were enemy team we coulda won
[20:10] [GoD]spinnifix> riley is good player
[20:10] merciless1> now i know wut that T stands for
[20:10] merciless1> Terrible-rod
[20:10] jammy> +1
[20:10] MrSmokin_hottie26> diego wut u think r fair teams? :monkahmm:
[20:10] merciless1> :peepopoint:
[20:10] Mammy_Tas> ohh you mean sho on my spot?
[20:11] T-Rod> is that so
[20:11] merciless1> join em koopa
[20:11] merciless1> n stfu already
[20:11] MrSmokin_hottie26> i cant
[20:11] MrSmokin_hottie26> my mouse is chargin
[20:11] Mammy_Tas> Maybe I cannot say :kekw:
[20:11] ExLordDeath> is there a game or not
[20:11] ExLordDeath> i was told to join
[20:11] T-Rod> u can accually play with it kpa while it loads
[20:11] ExLordDeath> and now everyone is bitching
[20:11] ExLordDeath> play the game stop crying about teams
[20:11] Meph> ExLordDeath > sho
[20:12] T-Rod> shogun join
[20:12] T-Rod> and i cold ur empty base
[20:12] T-Rod> volc
[20:12] [GoD]spinnifix> ye ally me n riley
[20:12] ExLordDeath> this is why i dont do 6p
[20:13] ExLordDeath> everyone just bitches
[20:13] T-Rod> theres usually only few
[20:13] T-Rod> and mostly one
[20:13] [GoD]spinnifix> loooooooooooooooool
[20:13] T-Rod> that name begins with s
[20:13] ExLordDeath> ends with a N
[20:13] [GoD]spinnifix> we dont know whas wrong with him
[20:13] [GoD]spinnifix> maybe he needs a girl
[20:13] ExLordDeath> he needs to play pop
[20:14] ExLordDeath> and stop dodging
[20:14] Meph> unclogging all day long might harm your mental health
[20:14] T-Rod> hes scared my volcanoi
[20:14] Mammy_Tas> Dodge a blast plz
[20:14] Mammy_Tas> +1
[20:14] T-Rod> dis map sucks 4 v 4
[20:14] T-Rod> front bases are massacre
[20:15] T-Rod> need hw to front baser
[20:15] T-Rod> only he can held it
[20:15] MrSmokin_hottie26> if diego joins i join :feelsheavyman:
[20:15] RubRub out
[20:15] Ricardo1XD out
[20:15] Meph> did hw actually ragequit?
[20:15] T-Rod> well its possible
[20:16] Suslik in
[20:17] Suslik out
[20:18] T-Rod> spin how abt 2 v 2
[20:19] T-Rod> me and meph vs u and mammy
[20:19] T-Rod> omg big koopa
[20:19] T-Rod> here
[20:19] MrSmokin_hottie26> i aint rdy
[20:19] Melolo out
[20:19] T-Rod> spin lets do pp
[20:19] MrSmokin_hottie26> need few more mins till my mouse is gud
[20:19] Svarog out
[20:19] T-Rod> i call mentix
[20:19] [GoD]spinnifix> k call
[20:19] T-Rod> :pepecall:
[20:20] [GoD]spinnifix> tsu coming
[20:20] T-Rod> ok
[20:21] T-Rod> big tsu
[20:22] Zpektrix_TAS> tiny tsu here
[20:22] merciless1> *calls trod's mom* :feelssupportman:> hi, ur son is fkin terrible if not atrocious at games pls do us all a favor n stop paying his internet bills thx xoxo *hangs up*
[20:22] Zpektrix_TAS> got priest rank
[20:22] Mammy_Tas> :sit; let tsu :preach: you :)
[20:22] Mammy_Tas> :sit: *
[20:22] T-Rod> priest is nize
[20:22] Zpektrix_TAS> my baby sits on milk can
[20:22] Zpektrix_TAS> so cute
[20:23] [GoD]spinnifix> italia joined
[20:23] [GoD]spinnifix> +1
[20:23] [SW]SilentShaman in
[20:23] T-Rod> +1 spain
[20:24] [GoD]spinnifix> ye or USA
[20:24] [GoD]spinnifix> or U.K
[20:24] T-Rod> spin lets do pp?
[20:24] Mammy_Tas> hi Arbrim :)
[20:24] [GoD]spinnifix> k
[20:25] [SW]SilentShaman> Helloo
[20:25] [SW]SilentShaman> Mammy, the strong Shaman! :D
[20:26] Mammy_Tas> :blue: !
[20:26] Mammy_Tas> Arbrim join :) ?
[20:27] T-Rod> spin call ice
[20:27] [SW]SilentShaman> sorry not playing
[20:27] [SW]SilentShaman> let me know if u stream, wish youll enjoy it :))
[20:28] merciless1> rod if u go on ur knees n apologize for hurting my eyes with ur terrible gameplay i join :ye:
[20:28] Mammy_Tas> I see :)
[20:29] [SW]SilentShaman> HAHAHAHAHHHAHHA
[20:29] [SW]SilentShaman> can I do it for him ;p
[20:29] merciless1> u gotta use this emoji while apologizing trod ------------> :pray:
[20:29] [SW]SilentShaman> just get hut fhking filled xD
[20:29] [SW]SilentShaman> oh thanks Jammy xD
[20:30] T-Rod> only way i hurt ur eyes is when i cum on ur face :nice:
[20:30] T-Rod> :fap:
[20:30] jammy> SilentShaman: u wanted to join?
[20:31] [SW]SilentShaman> No jammy, cant play
[20:31] [GoD]spinnifix> du zentrum?
[20:31] [GoD]spinnifix> meph
[20:31] jammy> k
[20:31] [SW]SilentShaman> id watch if anyone streams
[20:31] [SW]SilentShaman> thanks!
[20:31] [GoD]spinnifix> [GoD]spinnifix + Mammy_Tas + T-Rod + jammy vs. Meph + Zpektrix_TAS + [D]Nightfury + MrSmokin_hottie26
[20:31] jammy> cool
[20:31] [SW]SilentShaman> preacher rank within a year
[20:31] [SW]SilentShaman> great progress jammy :)
[20:31] jammy> fake rank
[20:31] jammy> bribed inca : P
[20:31] [SW]SilentShaman> Nooo
[20:31] [SW]SilentShaman> now i see
[20:32] [SW]SilentShaman> you play amazing maps
[20:32] RessurectioN_TAS in
[20:32] [SW]SilentShaman> which get you skilled in many areas :)
[20:32] jammy> i get lucky sometimes and get the win : )
[20:32] [SW]SilentShaman> happy for you :)
[20:32] jammy> thanks man
[20:32] [SW]SilentShaman> Hahahhah naah
[20:32] [SW]SilentShaman> keep it up, fhking amazing
[20:32] [SW]SilentShaman> gl hf!
[20:32] merciless1> HAhAaHaHHaaaHH HAAAAAAHAHAHHH
[20:33] jammy> i miss your shop : )
[20:33] merciless1> why do u laugh so fkin much arbrim
[20:33] [SW]SilentShaman> jammy: who r u? hahahaahhaah
[20:33] [SW]SilentShaman> merciless1: cuz im merciful ;p
[20:33] Intrepid_OP> Bigbang
[20:33] merciless1> :monkastab:
[20:34] [SW]SilentShaman> Wiiiiiii hahahah, amazing eeee, why new account :/
[20:34] [AsG]mentix in
[20:34] [SW]SilentShaman> or u just guessin intrepid?
[20:34] Intrepid_OP> Lol
[20:34] Intrepid_OP> Pretty Sure ITS him
[20:34] Intrepid_OP> Hi arbrim :beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes:
[20:35] [SW]SilentShaman> Hi Intrepid :))))
[20:35] Intrepid_OP> Bianca * xD
[20:35] [SW]SilentShaman> cant find ur prev username intrepid, since u from discord
[20:35] [SW]SilentShaman> ahaaa
[20:35] [SW]SilentShaman> hahah amazing :)
[20:35] [SW]SilentShaman> hope everything is great overthere :)
[20:35] [SW]SilentShaman> as always!
[20:35] Intrepid_OP> Yep thanks. Hope for you too
[20:36] [SW]SilentShaman> yupp, thanks!!
[20:39] [SW]SilentShaman> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_mrkoopa26
[20:40] axon in
[20:44] [SW]SilentShaman> beta has improved a lot, wiw looks fine up to now
[20:46] axon out
[20:53] MrSmokin_hottie26> can only do so much :shrug:
[20:53] Zpektrix_TAS> dont let koopa be center
[20:53] [SW]SilentShaman> lol
[20:54] MrSmokin_hottie26> tsu u got 1 shammy kill
[20:54] Meph> 17 minute game
[20:54] MrSmokin_hottie26> how bout u do something brah
[20:54] Meph> tsu has 1 shaman kill and 6 follower kills
[20:54] merciless1> dude koopa dun tell me u lost again :lmao:
[20:54] MrSmokin_hottie26> guy took my 2nd fw spot
[20:54] merciless1> loss streak my bruaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh :pepecry:
[20:54] Meph> literally no player base but 50% trolls
[20:55] Meph> ich bekomm noch ein magengeschwür
[20:55] jammy> gg
[20:56] T-Rod> only if shogun saw how i owned
[20:56] T-Rod> :nice:
[20:56] merciless1> only game i didnt watch :nice:
[20:57] T-Rod> spin and meph 20 ping
[20:57] T-Rod> dayumn they live neighbours
[20:57] merciless1> they buttbuddies
[20:57] [GoD]spinnifix> ok last 1
[20:57] [GoD]spinnifix> +1
[20:57] T-Rod> buttbuddie knows one
[20:57] T-Rod> :nice:
[20:57] [GoD]spinnifix> ort +3
[20:57] [GoD]spinnifix> or
[20:58] T-Rod> what do u mean last one?
[20:58] merciless1> nah i justheard it form ur dad trod :nice:
[20:59] [AsG]mentix> too tired
[20:59] [GoD]spinnifix> [GoD]spinnifix + T-Rod + [D]Nightfury vs. Meph + Zpektrix_TAS + MrSmokin_hottie26
[20:59] [GoD]spinnifix> mix?
[20:59] T-Rod> kk
[20:59] [GoD]spinnifix> or go ?
[20:59] [AsG]mentix> dreamteam
[20:59] Zpektrix_TAS> rofl
[21:00] [GoD]spinnifix> @meph
[21:00] T-Rod> trade meph with delax
[21:00] Zpektrix_TAS> meph's mu is that high
[21:00] Meph> full random
[21:00] MrSmokin_hottie26> do 4 v 4
[21:00] [GoD]spinnifix> who koopa
[21:00] merciless1> ME! :hypers:
[21:00] [GoD]spinnifix> mahmut isnt playing rn
[21:00] [GoD]spinnifix> jammy
[21:00] [GoD]spinnifix> join
[21:00] T-Rod> big shogun here
[21:00] merciless1> 8::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::D
[21:00] T-Rod> hes mum letting him play finally
[21:01] merciless1> now i dont want
[21:01] [GoD]spinnifix> [GoD]spinnifix + Zpektrix_TAS + [D]Nightfury + merciless1 vs. Meph + T-Rod + MrSmokin_hottie26 + jammy
[21:01] merciless1> hut quality just decreased
[21:01] [GoD]spinnifix> all fine ?
[21:01] merciless1 out
[21:01] T-Rod> looks fine
[21:01] Zpektrix_TAS> looks not
[21:01] Zpektrix_TAS> for sho
[21:01] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[21:01] Meph> ban him from your hurt
[21:01] Meph> *hut
[21:01] [GoD]spinnifix> can we do diff map ?
[21:01] T-Rod> like what map u doing
[21:01] [GoD]spinnifix> idk man
[21:01] T-Rod> how abt somne gud pp
[21:01] T-Rod> havent done it
[21:01] T-Rod> today
[21:02] Meph> me small
[21:02] [GoD]spinnifix> ok
[21:02] merciless1> Ah it sucks eh meph ?
[21:02] merciless1> When hut's full n a guy leaves right in that moment
[21:02] T-Rod> only one who sucks is ur mum shogun
[21:03] merciless1> Reminds me of some1. rofl
[21:03] T-Rod> sucks my huge dick
[21:03] T-Rod> :nice:
[21:03] Meph> ?
[21:03] Meph> we got a full hut :)
[21:03] [GoD]spinnifix> we dont know why he is like that
[21:03] merciless1> Thats not my point Meph, u left lots of times when hut was full
[21:03] Meph> never seen someone begging so much for attention
[21:03] merciless1> You're no1 to talk, bitch!
[21:04] Meph> why so desperate?
[21:07] [Rw]Ninety out
[21:07] [GoD]FreeInca in
[21:09] Bignoobmanfr in
[21:15] [AvA]Brandym0n in
[21:18] [D]Nightfury> what a boring shit is this
[21:24] Mowgli in
[21:24] [AvA]JJaydenn out
[21:24] Mowgli out
[21:24] Mowgli in
[21:24] [D]Nightfury> you seriously did those teams and those colors, you can both kill yourselves rod and spin
[21:25] [D]Nightfury> community of retarded cancerous ppl
[21:25] [AsG]mentix out
[21:29] [GoD]Eric in
[21:31] MrSmokin_hottie26> https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/amzn1.dv.gti.b15ae06a-583d-4641-9151-9a69b9f1e6c3?autoplay=0&ref_=atv_cf_strg_wb
[21:31] MrSmokin_hottie26> fhk
[21:31] Only101_TSI> delax no longer holding back
[21:31] MrSmokin_hottie26> i got goosebumps
[21:31] Only101_TSI> a new side is revealed
[21:31] T-Rod> gg
[21:32] [GoD]spinnifix> ggs
[21:32] [GoD]spinnifix out
[21:32] [D]Nightfury> I won't blame shogun a bit for hating this community
[21:32] [D]Nightfury> you don't deserve any kindness at all
[21:34] Mammy_Tas> :(
[21:34] [GoD]Eric> dam jammy did u kick me again? are u a loser?
[21:34] T-Rod> ?
[21:35] T-Rod> yoo mowgli
[21:35] jammy> no
[21:35] Mowgli> Hi
[21:35] [GoD]Eric> trod
[21:35] [GoD]Eric> do 2v2
[21:35] T-Rod> hi
[21:35] T-Rod> ok
[21:36] jammy> jammy + Bignoobmanfr vs. ExLordDeath + [AvA]Brandym0n
[21:36] jammy> map ?
[21:36] [D]Jozef in
[21:37] ExLordDeath> idc
[21:37] ExLordDeath> why is it unranked
[21:37] [AvA]Brandym0n> me neither
[21:37] [AvA]Brandym0n> hi joseph
[21:37] [D]Jozef> hi Brandy
[21:37] [TDM]Mr-TaNk in
[21:37] ExLordDeath> hi joseph
[21:37] [D]Jozef> hey Riley
[21:37] [D]Jozef> glhf
[21:38] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> hi all
[21:38] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> TDM]Mr-TaNk + jammy vs. ExLordDeath + Bignoobmanf
[21:38] [AvA]Brandym0n> hi, go 3v3?
[21:38] [D]Jozef> hey tank
[21:39] ExLordDeath out
[21:39] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> sure
[21:39] [AvA]Brandym0n> ty
[21:39] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> last time I got bashed, that I was picky about teams when I opened slots
[21:39] [GoD]Rbwilson in
[21:39] [D]Jozef> heading out for a lil bit
[21:39] [D]Jozef> sry
[21:39] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> so I deliberately open slots, to change teams
[21:40] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> rejoin guys
[21:40] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> jammy and brnadymon
[21:40] [AvA]Brandym0n> sec i relog
[21:40] [AvA]Brandym0n out
[21:40] jammy out
[21:40] [AvA]Brandym0n in
[21:40] jammy in
[21:41] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> ok. Jammy got ping
[21:41] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> brandymon you still need
[21:41] Meph out
[21:41] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> cool
[21:41] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> :+1:
[21:42] SepulturaMb in
[21:43] [AvA]Soma- out
[21:44] [AvA]Brandym0n> hm you guys go 2v2, hf :)
[21:45] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> sorry
[21:45] [AvA]Brandym0n> its ok dw
[21:45] [AvA]Brandym0n> we tried :P
[21:45] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> TDM]Mr-TaNk + Mowgli vs. jammy + Bignoobmanfr
[21:45] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> yeah. We tried
[21:46] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> mm opened extra slots. I need to rejoin
[21:46] [TDM]Mr-TaNk out
[21:46] [TDM]Mr-TaNk in
[21:46] Mowgli out
[21:46] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> now what....
[21:47] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> Mowgli coming back?
[21:47] Bignoobmanfr> damn
[21:47] [AvA]Brandym0n> sorry im in other game now
[21:48] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> I can understand
[21:48] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> it's pathetic
[21:55] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[21:57] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> [TDM]Mr-TaNk + [AvA]Toruk_Makto vs. jammy + Bignoobmanfr
[21:57] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> oh yay, another walls game....
[21:57] Mowgli in
[21:58] [Rw]Jops> you can do it tank!
[22:05] Power in
[22:06] Power> yoo danny
[22:06] Power> host a 11v1 buddy
[22:06] Power> :=
[22:07] RessurectioN_TAS> sec
[22:07] RessurectioN_TAS> playing chess rn
[22:07] RessurectioN_TAS> :kekw:
[22:07] Power> lololpl
[22:07] Power> ok
[22:07] Power> jsut multitask it
[22:09] T-Rod> gg
[22:09] T-Rod> big ice carrying me
[22:09] Only101_TSI> haha, not sure about that
[22:09] Only101_TSI> but gg
[22:09] Power> wish someone was able to carry me
[22:09] Mammy_Tas> gg
[22:12] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[22:13] RessurectioN_TAS> that task belongs to you now power
[22:13] Power> i dont host
[22:13] RessurectioN_TAS> i mean "carrying: ppl
[22:13] Power> lmfo
[22:14] RessurectioN_TAS> unless if u go back to 3 years ago the first time you play
[22:14] Power> wish i streamed that games
[22:14] Power> what was i doing
[22:14] Power> lmfo
[22:14] Power> must be fun
[22:16] T-Rod> random teams ?
[22:16] Power> down for any
[22:16] Zpektrix_TAS> go best
[22:16] T-Rod> Unable to determine map allies, assuming TvB
[22:16] T-Rod> ?
[22:16] Zpektrix_TAS out
[22:16] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[22:16] Zpektrix_TAS in
[22:17] Power> get someone in 3 min
[22:17] Zpektrix_TAS out
[22:17] T-Rod> any maps wishes?
[22:17] Power> or i go sleep
[22:17] Zpektrix_TAS in
[22:17] T-Rod> ok
[22:17] T-Rod> mowgli
[22:17] T-Rod> its time
[22:17] T-Rod> baloon here
[22:17] Power> eric mammy ice delz
[22:17] Power> koopa
[22:17] Power> nvm
[22:17] T-Rod> T-Rod + [AvA]Pharaoh + Zpektrix_TAS vs. RessurectioN_TAS + Power + Mowgli
[22:17] T-Rod> best ok?
[22:17] Power> any good for me
[22:18] Power> sanny you go back?
[22:18] Power> danny*
[22:18] T-Rod> yes
[22:18] SepulturaMb out
[22:20] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[22:21] Luxray in
[22:25] [AsG]Godzilla in
[22:26] [AvA]Brandym0n out
[22:43] [AvA]Mibbel in
[22:48] Power> soryy guys i shouldt have bded maybe
[22:48] Power> idk
[22:48] jammy> gg
[22:48] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> gg
[22:48] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> sorry my shaman fights were lacking
[22:48] Bignoobmanfr> gg
[22:48] Mowgli> to be honest, I was waiting for trods bd
[22:49] Power> they didnt have front
[22:49] Power> he cant bd
[22:49] [AvA]Pharaoh> gg
[22:49] RessurectioN_TAS> ggwp
[22:49] Power> since i saw you guys pressureing him
[22:49] [D]Nightfury out
[22:49] Power> i bd ed
[22:49] Power> but was slow
[22:49] T-Rod> gg
[22:49] Power> and tsu got in
[22:49] T-Rod> mibbel go 4 v 4
[22:49] T-Rod> sesss
[22:49] T-Rod> maybe?=
[22:50] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Honest question: Why do ppl say "care"? Like "care bd"
[22:50] Power> what?
[22:50] T-Rod> i never say that tho
[22:50] jammy> take care of the bd?
[22:50] T-Rod> tsu join¨
[22:50] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> I said because I don't know if you have troops in huts + guards bd
[22:50] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> no, they don't say "take care", just "care"
[22:50] RessurectioN_TAS out
[22:50] Power> same thing?
[22:50] Zpektrix_TAS> mibbel canty host
[22:50] jammy> "care" implies "take care"?
[22:51] jammy> short of "take care"
[22:51] Zpektrix_TAS> he has no star
[22:51] RessurectioN_TAS in
[22:51] Power> people jsut dont have time to write whole sentence
[22:51] RessurectioN_TAS> my spot :(
[22:51] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> well, it makes more sense to just say "watch bd", grammatically I mean
[22:51] Power> lol
[22:51] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> watch bd is imminent
[22:51] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> take care is build guards
[22:51] Power> care is easy to write
[22:51] T-Rod> T-Rod + [AvA]Toruk_Makto + Mowgli + Zpektrix_TAS vs. [AvA]Pharaoh + jammy + [AvA]Mibbel + RessurectioN_TAS
[22:51] T-Rod> best ok?
[22:51] jammy> better would be "could you please watch the backdoor?"
[22:52] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> just doesn't make sense to me
[22:52] Power> ye by that time i wriite it i would be dead jammy
[22:52] Power> :kek:
[22:52] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> yeah. I was trying to spare a word
[22:52] jammy> anyone would be
[22:52] Power> start with capital as well
[22:52] Power> Could*
[22:52] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> lol
[22:52] Power> anyway gn bois
[22:52] Power> and girls
[22:52] Power> all
[22:52] Power out
[22:53] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> "We should expect some backdoor shinanigans, so please build some towers at your backdoor please"
[22:53] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> I could build a whole base while writing that
[22:54] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> gn Power
[22:57] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[22:59] [AvA]Mibbel in
[22:59] T-Rod> mibbel what happened
[22:59] [AvA]Mibbel> my stupid pc frooozez
[22:59] T-Rod> ok join
[22:59] T-Rod> rm same map?
[22:59] Mowgli> y
[22:59] RessurectioN_TAS> sure
[22:59] T-Rod> best
[23:00] jammy out
[23:00] T-Rod> T-Rod + [AvA]Pharaoh + Mowgli + [AvA]Mibbel vs. [AvA]Toruk_Makto + RessurectioN_TAS + O-Ren_TSI + Zpektrix_TAS
[23:00] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[23:03] [AvA]Mibbel out
[23:04] [GoD]FreeInca out
[23:11] jammy in
[23:11] [TDM]Mr-TaNk out
[23:15] SepulturaMb in
[23:21] Mammy_Tas> gnight all :)
[23:21] Mammy_Tas out
[23:21] [GoD]Eric out
[23:25] [AvA]Pharaoh> hey O-ren is here
[23:25] [AvA]Pharaoh> nice
[23:25] [AvA]Pharaoh> gg
[23:25] T-Rod> gg
[23:25] T-Rod> big mibbel carrying us
[23:25] [AvA]Mibbel> lol
[23:25] SepulturaMb out
[23:26] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[23:27] T-Rod> ggs ang gnight
[23:27] T-Rod> :poof:
[23:27] T-Rod out
[23:27] Mowgli out
[23:28] [AsG]Godzilla out
[23:33] [AvA]Soma- in
[23:33] [AvA]Soma- out
[23:37] [Rw]Ninety in
[23:40] RessurectioN_TAS out
[23:40] RessurectioN_TAS in
[23:40] Zpektrix_TAS out
[23:40] Zpektrix_TAS in
[23:41] RessurectioN_TAS> Tsu, Alan join ?
[23:41] Zpektrix_TAS> ask alan
[23:42] [Rw]Ninety> Playing something else
[23:46] O-Ren_TSI out
[23:49] Luxray out
[23:49] Luxray in
[23:49] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[23:56] adray_tsi in
[23:58] Zpektrix_TAS out
[23:58] Zpektrix_TAS in